Thusday was an exercise in frustration. My day was busier than I expected running errands for our family. At noon I realized that I hadn't started the roast for the chimis, so I stopped at home to set up the crockpot, only to realize that I am out of roasts. When did we eat the last one? Plan b --looked at contents of freezer. I hadn't been shopping yet, so it was limited. We had steaks last week, so chicken was the choice. I threw chicken legs in the crockpot with assorted spices and bottled bbq sauce. Cranked it to high and ran out the door.
When I got home at 5, I made hot potato salad and green salad. Dinner was on the table by 6. Yeah! Plans are important, but my menu plan is not my slave-driver. Flexibility is also important, or as Copperswife says, "Hold your plans loosely". I'm trying to learn to do that. It was a major victory not to rush out and buy a roast. I really didn't have time, and I'm trying to stay out of the stores except on shop day. It was also a major victory not to just pick up fast food.
The chicken legs had been purchased at 38 cents a pound. The bbq sauce was 43 cents a bottle and I only used 1/2 bottle. This was a very inexpensive meal for my family of four.
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