Sunday, January 2, 2011

Goals for 2011

Each year, I try to make and keep New Year's goals. Sometimes I succeed, but mostly I forget about them. This year, I'm making 12 resolutions/goals that I want to work on this year. I'll make a monthly update to try to keep me focused on the prize. Ultimately, these goals are to help me improve my life or to achieve something important to me.

1. Lose all the weight this year. I have been going to weight watcher's for 2 months now. It's the longest I've ever gone. I am achieving some success, but I want to refocus and work harder to get to goal by summer.

2. Include regular exercise in my life. I'm getting older and I want to lose weight. Enough said.

3. Make Christmas stockings for my boys. Nate is five, and I just started his stocking. Can you say procrastinator?

6. Master my serger. I've owned this piece of machinery for over a year, and have never sewn on it. It intimidates me. I've already looked into classes so I can check this one off quickly.

7. Learn to sew lingerie. We're moving to Kansas this summer. Anne at Needle Nook fabrics is a well known teacher. I can't wait to take her class.

8. Learn to make sourdough bread. I have made my own bread for many years, but can't seem to get this type of bread right.

9. Take more computer classes. I took one last summer and really enjoyed it. I'd like to continue my lessons.

10. Find a really good Bible study class. I enjoyed taking them in Houston at Second Baptist. I haven't been so lucky here in Lafayette. I'm praying for a good Church home in Kansas City.

11. Get organized. It's never to late to learn, right?

12. Complete my food storage and help the girls get theirs' put together.

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